Growing Healthy Churches
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Dr. Borden's Seedlings
GHC Network's Articles
Congregational Transformation
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Growing Healthy Churches through serving congregations who are committed to and accountable for their role in fulfilling the Great Commission.Family

Our mission is growing healthy churches by networking, resourcing and encouraging churches in the areas of growth, health, transformation and church planting.

Our standard is excellence. We work with passion and with integrity. We're together.

Upcoming Events
Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Meyer  -  April 19, 2010
Leadership? What's That and How Can I Get some?
When the Wheels Fall Off...The Place and Process of Brokenness
Visit Website ]
Mar 1, 2010, 06:11

OGHS - Haiti Earthquake
I know you will be in prayer for the people of Haiti, the missionaries and the emergency workers who will be assisting after the devastating earthquake that struck the country yesterday. Ways to help ...
Jan 1, 2010, 07:00

Dr. Borden's Seedlings
What’s the thing behind the thing?
All good communicators are always asking these questions when they prepare to speak. Good leaders are also asking the same question about the entities they are leading.
Mar 1, 2010, 16:30

GHC Network's Articles
The Key is: WE
The temptations to quit are strong and they are out there, but how do we keep going?  How do we keep from giving up and giving in?
Mar 1, 2010, 16:29

Congregational Transformation
What's a Board to Do?
Most every church has a Board. Most church Boards meet every month.  Some church Boards meet every week! ... What are the keys to effective board meetings?
Mar 1, 2010, 16:28

Congregational Income Maximizer
Financial times are tough and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and hopeless.  Even though we can’t control the economy, there are things we can control, things like setting goals and making plans.  GHC exists to help churches make wise decisions so that you can effectively accomplish all God is calling you to do for Him.
Mar 1, 2010, 16:27

Church Resources
Did You Know? ... March 2010
At a recent meeting with Church Mutual loss prevention I was reminded about ... Safety Issues, Volunteer Workers, Code Upgrades & Insurance in General
Mar 1, 2010, 16:25

Upcoming Events
Men's Ministry Catalyst
Are your men being transformed?
Neighborhood Church, Castro Valley
March 26, 2010
Visit Website ]
Mar 1, 2010, 06:31

Upcoming Events
The Rock & Worship Roadshow
Mercy Me - David Crowder Band - Family Force & More -- $10 at the door
Arco Arena, Sacramento CA - April 2, 2010
Visit Website ]
Mar 1, 2010, 06:30

Upcoming Events
Exponential 2010
Transformation: It Starts in the Heart of One Let the transformation begin in your heart. Register for the 2010 Exponential Conference and hear Louie Giglio, Francis Chan, and more than 60 other amazing speakers. Sunny Orlando April 19-22. Thousands of others who are just as pumped as you are about transforming our planet. April 19-22, 2010 Visit Website ]
Mar 1, 2010, 06:09

Latest Headlines
Who is GHC?
Director of Leadership Networks
Annual Ministry Reports 2009
A Growing Partnership
Dr. Borden's Seedlings
What’s the thing behind the thing?
Learning from One Another
Closing the Gap
GHC Network's Articles
The Key is: WE
Only Two Jobs?
Best Books Read in 2009
Congregational Transformation
What's a Board to Do?
Reflections on Perseverance
Two Christmas Questions
OGHS - Haiti Earthquake
Congregational Income Maximizer
Jesus & Money
Upcoming Events
Men's Ministry Catalyst
The Rock & Worship Roadshow
Online Store
Books, CDs, DVDs & eTeaching eCollege
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Church Resources
Did You Know? ... March 2010
Did You Know? ... February 2010
Did You Know ... Jan 2010
Pastors Resources
Mentor Clusters
Taking Charge
Dr. Borden Book Review
Church Listings
Church Listings
Bus for Sale
Director of Student Ministries - Santa Clara, CA
Piano Needed
Contact Us
GHC Resource Center
GHC & Resource Center Staff
Sermon Kindling
Transformational Leadership
Hit the Bullseye, Inc.

Growing Healthy Churches
2420 Camino Ramon, Suite 140 * San Ramon, California 94583
Phone (925) 277-3980 * (888) 290-2229 * Fax (925) 277-3985

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